Encyklopedia AI

Chaty – modele LLM

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CustomGPTPlatforma umożliwiająca tworzenie niestandardowych chatbotów GPT opartych na treściach firmowych.https://customgpt.ai
SiteGPTNarzędzie do osadzania chatbotów na stronach internetowych, które są dostosowane do potrzeb użytkowników.https://sitegpt.ai
Lyro by TidioKonwersacyjna AI zaprojektowana do automatyzacji obsługi klienta w małych i średnich firmach.https://www.tidio.com
SiteSpeakAIChatbot zasilany przez ChatGPT do wsparcia klienta na stronach internetowych.
PocketAINarzędzie do łatwego korzystania z AI na WhatsApp, które umożliwia szybki dostęp do funkcji AI.https://www.pocketai.co
NaraChatbot AI do zwiększania zaangażowania klientów dzięki natychmiastowym odpowiedziom i integracji z wieloma platformami.https://www.trynara.com
ValidlyPlatforma AI do walidacji pomysłów produktowych i badania opinii użytkowników.https://validly.ai
Future DeskNarzędzie do zarządzania projektami i współpracy, które wykorzystuje AI do optymalizacji pracy zespołowej.https://www.futuredesk.io
Sonic LinkNarzędzie do udostępniania dźwięku i tworzenia interaktywnych doświadczeń dźwiękowych online.https://soniclink.io
MindPalNarzędzie AI do poprawy produktywności i organizacji pracy osobistej oraz zawodowej.https://mindpal.app
DanteNarzędzie AI do analizy danych i automatyzacji procesów w firmach.https://www.dante-ai.com
YeraNarzędzie AI do analizy zachowań użytkowników i personalizacji doświadczeń na stronach internetowych.https://yera.ai
MerlinNarzędzie do personalizowanej rekomendacji treści w internecie, bazujące na AI.https://merlin.cool
ChaindeskNarzędzie do zarządzania wiedzą w firmach, wykorzystujące AI do organizacji i przetwarzania informacji.https://chaindesk.ai
ChatGPTPopularny model językowy AI, używany do generowania odpowiedzi na zapytania w naturalnym języku.
MagicReplyNarzędzie AI do automatyzacji odpowiedzi na wiadomości i zapytania klientów.https://magicreply.io
Typing MindNarzędzie AI do wspomagania pisania i poprawy stylu oraz gramatyki tekstów.https://typingmind.com
Character AIPlatforma do tworzenia interaktywnych chatbotów, które mogą prowadzić rozmowy na różne tematy.https://character.ai

Business intelligence

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DimeADozenDimeADozen AI zapewnia natychmiastową walidację pomysłów biznesowych, wykorzystując GPT-4 do analizy danych. Oferuje raporty specyficzne dla rynku i utrzymuje poufność pomysłów.
UpmetricsUpmetrics to platforma do planowania biznesowego zasilana przez AI, która pomaga przedsiębiorcom i właścicielom małych firm tworzyć plany biznesowe, prognozy finansowe oraz prezentacje inwestorskie z funkcjami współpracy i analizami opartymi na danych.https://upmetrics.co
HanseiHansei pozwala na tworzenie personalizowanych chatbotów AI, umożliwiających interakcję z dokumentami i danymi. Idealne do wsparcia klienta, zarządzania danymi i uzyskiwania strategicznych informacji.https://hansei.app
BizwayBizway to narzędzie do planowania biznesowego i automatyzacji zadań, które pomaga przekształcać pomysły w konkretne plany działania za pomocą AI. Umożliwia tworzenie dynamicznych planów projektów i automatyzację małych zadań biznesowych.https://www.bizway.io
InsightBaseAIInsightBaseAI to narzędzie do analizowania danych z baz danych za pomocą AI. Umożliwia zadawanie pytań w języku naturalnym, tworzenie raportów i dashboardów, bez konieczności kodowania.https://insightbase.ai

Wykrywanie AI

Nazwa narzędziaOpis NarzędziaLink
StealthGPTTwórz niewykrywalne, unikalne treści napisane przez sztuczną inteligencję za pomocą narzędzi do przeformułowania, esejów i nie tylko, zapewniając oryginalność i unikając wykrycia przez sztuczną inteligencję.https://www.stealthgpt.ai
Originality AIPierwszy na świecie wykrywacz AI i narzędzie do sprawdzania plagiatu dla treści i całych stron internetowych. Dowiedz się, czy Twoje treści zostały utworzone przy użyciu narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji i zidentyfikuj plagiat.https://originality.ai
PlagiashieldNarzędzie do sprawdzania plagiatów ze specjalistycznym rozszerzeniem do Chrome wykrywającym ChatGPT. Monitoruj tysiące stron internetowych, identyfikuj naśladowców i generuj powiadomienia DMCA, aby natychmiast usuwać materiały naruszające prawa.https://plagiashield.com
GPT zeroDokładny, łatwy w integracji i dostosowany do węszenia treści napisanych przez sztuczną inteligencję, czy to w zdaniach, akapitach, czy całych dokumentach. Wyszkolony na ogromnym zbiorze tekstów wygenerowanych przez ludzi i sztuczną inteligencję, działa skutecznie w głównych modelach sztucznej inteligencji, pełniąc rolę osobistej świni truflowej w rozległych lasach treści online.https://gptzero.me
GPTinfGPTinf umiejętnie przetwarza tekst wygenerowany przez sztuczną inteligencję, omijając wykrywanie sztucznej inteligencji poprzez zwiększoną różnorodność słownictwa i wskaźniki zakłopotania.https://www.gptinf.com
AI Voice DetectorUwierzytelniaj dźwięk i chroń się przed fałszywymi głosami za pomocą detektora głosu AI. Zapewnij legalność wszelkich treści audio i unikaj dezinformacji.https://aivoicedetector.com
AI Detector ProBezpłatny wykrywacz treści AI od Content At Scale pomaga zmniejszyć ryzyko ukarania przez Google za korzystanie z treści generowanych przez sztuczną inteligencję. Chroń się dzięki temu narzędziu, które wykorzystuje wiele precyzyjnie dostrojonych silników AI, przetwarzanie języka naturalnego i algorytmy analizy semantycznej.https://aidetector.pro/
GPTkitGPTKit to bezpłatne, łatwe w użyciu narzędzie do wykrywania generowania tekstu oparte na sztucznej inteligencji, które wykorzystuje sześć różnych metod w celu dokładnej identyfikacji i klasyfikacji tekstu wygenerowanego maszynowo. Dostarcza raporty dotyczące autentyczności i realności analizowanych treścihttps://gptkit.ai/
Winston aiDowiedz się, czy to osoba, czy sztuczna inteligencja napisała Twoje treści za pomocą Winston AI. Wykryj plagiat i upewnij się, że kopia została napisana przez ludzihttps://gowinston.ai
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CreatifyProfesjonalne filmy marketingowe z prostego adresu URL produktu.https://creatify.ai
adcopy aiTwórz przekonujące, zgodne z przepisami reklamy w wielu językach.https://adcopy.ai
AdCreative.aiPlatforma do tworzenia reklam wykorzystująca sztuczną inteligencję.https://www.adcreative.ai
QuickadsTworzenie reklam AI dzięki Quickads AI.https://www.quickads.ai


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BardeenBardeen is a browser-based automation tool that simplifies tasks across various workflows without coding, running 24/7 to save you time by handling repetitive tasks securely and efficiently.https://www.bardeen.ai
MakeMaking’s AI Assistant, which understands commands given in natural language, can help techies quickly set up automation scenarios. Get more done with less work and get more done with less work.https://www.make.com
HexomaticUse AI to scrape content from any website, find local busıness prospects in a few clicks using Google Maps, monitor Amazon for updates on specific products, or bulk create screenshots in any screen size to use in your marketing materials or software.https://www.hexomatic.com
CodeDesignCreate and deploy beautiful websites with CodeDesign—a website builder. Features include real-time collaboration, cloud hosting, supreme SEO capabilities, flexible publishing options, relational database, domain hosting or code export, AI design regeneration, and customization abilities.Brak dostępnej strony
HexofyHexofy is a one-click browser extension for web scraping. It extracts data from popular sites, integrates with Google Sheets, and features an AI assistant for summarization, social posts, and free-form AI prompting.Brak dostępnej strony
HifyHiFy lets you create stunning sales videos without technical skills. Automate video creation, create personal connections and deliver awesome pitches with pre-designed templates. Simplified, personalized, extensive library.Brak dostępnej strony
Browse AIBrowse AI simplifies data extraction from websites. No coding required, it allows you to scrape data, monitor changes, integrate with other apps, schedule extraction, create APIs, and automate complex processes.https://www.browse.ai
HexometerHexometer’s sophisticated AI platform monitors your website 24/7 to catch availability, performance, UX, SEO, and server health problems before they lead to a loss in traffic and lost revenue.https://www.hexometer.com
HexowatchStay up-to-date on important changes to your website or your competitor’s websites. Create a business around monitoring and watching your competitor’s next move.https://www.hexowatch.com
ProcysAutomate the process of manually processing documents by automatically extracting invoice data quickly and accurately with the help of AI. Free up time and resources you need to focus on your business and stay ahead of the competition.https://www.procys.com
CodeleaksA comprehensive detection tool for AI-generated, plagiarized or modified source codes, offering licensing alerts, proprietary code monitoring, and support for multiple languages. It provides integration with native LMS and has a powerful and customizable API.https://copyleaks.com/codeleaks
Sharp APISharpAPI is an AI-powered tool offering a broad range of functionalities for software developers, enhancing app capabilities with minimal coding. It supports various sectors with a focus on automation and content generation.https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/
CodeWPStop searching StackOverflow and crawling through forums. Create and test WordPress code snippets directly with the help of AIhttps://codewp.io/
CodiumAIUSe CodiumAI’s powerful tools to keep your focus to crafting valuable, user-centric features, all while maintaining a bug-free codebase. Bid adieu to the tedious task of manually creating tests.https://www.codium.ai/
SafuraiSafurai: a cutting-edge AI coding assistant streamlining the coding process for developers.https://www.safurai.com/
Github AutopilotAutopilot takes a lot of grunt work and hassle out of coding by suggesting snippets of code to developers – learning from its experiences and adapting to new coding styles as it goes along. With Autopilot, coders can write code faster and more accurately https://github.com/features/copilot
TabnineAI assistant for software developers. Tabnine is a context-aware code completion tool that suggests the most relevant choices for you as you type.https://www.tabnine.com/
Bubble AICreate custom web pages and apps in minutes with Bubble’s AI-powered design and development tools, making sophisticated web development accessible to everyone.https://bubble.io/
Softr AISoftr AI simplifies app building, offering automatic data syncing with Google Sheets and an easy process to set up, edit, define user roles, and publish a functional web app.https://www.softr.io/
AdaloAdalo makes no-code mobile app creation easy by integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT for an enriched user experience. Define your concept with Adalo’s „Magic tools”, click generate and presto – your professional-looking database is readyhttps://www.adalo.com/
Tool NameDescriptionWebsite URL
SoundverseSoundverse is an AI-powered music generator offering tools like text-to-music, stem separation, and song beat generation, ideal for creators looking to produce high-quality audio content effortlessly.https://www.soundverse.ai
SongRSongR: AI-based Song Generator. Craft personalized songs with keywords. Features: Easy to Use, Lyric Editing, Genre Customization, Input Your Own Lyrics, Device Compatibility. 5 songs per day limit.https://www.songr.ai/
HookSounds AI StudioMake custom, mood-aligned soundtracks for your videos with AI Studio. Instantly analyze your video’s unique characteristics and produce smart-synced music, eliminating manual editing. Keep refining until you hit the perfect note.https://www.hooksounds.com
MubertMubert is a music app that makes it easy for content creators, artists, developers and brands to create the perfect soundtrack for their content.https://www.mubert.com
LandrLandr offers cloud-based AI mastering software that analyzes tracks using AI algorithms to make adjustments to the mix, including EQ, compression, and stereo widening. It also offers an API for partners to integrate AI-powered mastering into their apps and platforms.https://www.landr.com
SoundrawCreate unlimited royalty-free songs by simply selecting a mood, genre and length. It’s perfect for video creators who want to match their song to their video. [get 15 tracks for free with code KEITH]https://soundraw.io
Tool NameDescriptionWebsite URL
WaxwingWaxwing AI is a powerful tool for marketers, creating adaptive plans, offering real-time insights, AI-driven content, and efficient project management. It suits both beginners and pros, simplifying complex marketing processes and enhancing team collaboration.https://www.waxwing.ai/
BeehiivBeehiiv is a rapidly growing newsletter platform with powerful AI features like AI writing assistants and image tools, translator tools, and advanced newsletter personalization. Create content automation workflows and optimize for different audiences.https://www.beehiiv.com/
Hubspot AIHubspot CRM’s new AI tools are all about power and efficiency. Optimize content at scale, create new content, discover new leads, perform complex reporting, and write Ogilvy-level marketing campaigns and emails.https://www.hubspot.com/products/ai
ContentShakeAn SEO-focused, reliable AI content writing assistant backed by SEMrush. Get content ideas, optimize copy with AI, and publish directly to WordPress. Become an expert on any topic without reading all the books.https://www.contentshake.com/
AlphanaTransform your videos, podcasts, and ideas into shareable content with Alphana. Create summaries, articles, and social media posts effortlessly. Utilize automated transcription, personalized output, and multichannel marketing features. Streamline your content creation process across various platforms.https://alphana.ai/
Prompt HuntPrompt Hunt, an AI Library, offers 200 marketing prompts to boost productivity and creativity for SEO, email marketing, and social media.https://www.prompthunt.com/
WebWaveCreate unique, responsive websites with AI-driven drag-and-drop design control. Enjoy creative freedom, SEO optimization tools, and AI copy generation. A robust platform for creating your ideal website or web projecthttps://webwave.me/
Toasty AIToastyAI is a marketing tool for podcasters that automates content creation, including video clips, transcripts, show notes, social media posts, and SEO-optimized blog articles.https://toasty.ai/
Devi AIDevi AI captures high-intent leads by monitoring social media. Connect, add keywords, and provide your business details in 30 seconds. Features include AI-powered keyword monitoring, personalized comments and messages, visual content, and 1-click scheduling.https://devi-ai.com/
VoluumBoost ROI for Marketers & Agencies with Voluum’s Advanced AI Tools: Traffic Distribution, Automated Optimization & Fraud Detectionhttps://voluum.com/
RepliQRepliQ is an AI-powered video generation tool for cold email outreach and social media prospecting. Generate more meetings with clients by scaling personalized videos and images.https://repliq.ai/
HoppyCopyWrite better emails faster with HoppyCoppy’s AI Copy Editor. Generate powerful content for hundreds of campaigns. Get unique ideas and attention-grabbing headlines. Create visually stunning newsletters.https://www.hoppycopy.co/
CoachVoxCreate an AI version of yourself. Coachvox AI offers personalized, lead-generating chatbots, that mimick your style and workflow. Ideal for entrepreneurs, content creators, teachers, mentors, and coacheshttps://coachvox.ai/
ProductScopeProductScope AI takes your e-commerce visuals from standard to standout while optimizing your Amazon listings for maximum engagement and sales.https://productscope.io/
Keyword InsightsKeyword Insights is a keyword research tool with professional-level AI writing features. Refine your content creation and SEO with research, writing, and optimization tools you won’t find anywhere else.https://www.keywordinsights.ai/
10Web10Web’s AI Website builder and AI content Assistant help you build a website and populate it with high quality, plagiarism-free content thanks to GPT-3 and other large language models.https://10web.io/
AimReplyAI-powered email assistant enhancing productivity in sales, customer service, job hunting, content creation, and business management.https://www.aimreply.com/
ProfileProAutomate SEO with ProfilePro. Optimize your business description and more for local SEO, get SEO-optimized Google Business posts and product descriptions, personalized review responses, and simplify your Google Business profile optimizationhttps://profilepro.ai/
WindsorAIWindsor AI is the tool that connects all your marketing channels together. The marketing attribution technology delivers clear, comprehensive insights into ad spend value and ROI, and gives you full transparency on ad spend effectiveness.https://windsor.ai/
Divi AIDivi AI is an AI-powered page builder that offers tailored, contextually relevant content and image creation. It also offers smart suggestions based on your site’s existing patterns, simplifying web design.https://www.divi.ai/
Elementor AIElementor AI is the first to natively integrate AI into a website page builder. Generate original text, custom code, and captivating images inside your WordPress website. The tool offers context-specific suggestions, making branding consistent and automating measurements.https://elementor.com/ai/
FramerCreate elegant, responsive websites from a simple prompt. With a built-in AI copywriter, personalized themes, and intuitive customization features, it effortlessly transforms raw ideas into digital masterpieces.https://www.framer.com/
Nekton AIAutomate day-to-day business and personal tasks with Nekton AI’s plain English workflow. Integrate with thousands of services, build product prototypes, collect user feedback, customize automation tasks, and mix manual and automated steps.https://nekton.ai/
CourseAIBuild an online course with an AI assistant that does topic generation, niche selection, module content creation, and quiz generation. Enhance your course with video scripts, voice-overs, and marketing tools automatically.https://courseai.io/
tinyEinsteinMarketing automation, messaging, and pro-level email marketing with tailor-made templates, one-click complex automations, and automatic email capture for Shopify store owners.https://tinyeinstein.io/
ZigpollSpeedy, multilingual, AI-enhanced survey app that’s changing how you gain insights, optimize your business, and stay ahead of customer trends.https://www.zigpoll.com/
GetResponseAI Email Generator: Create engaging emails in record time with an AI-powered email generator. Boost your email marketing with industry-optimized subject lines and content.https://www.getresponse.com/
NeuralNewslettersCreate personalized, up-to-date newsletters tailored to your audience’s interests, all within minutes and without writing a word – saving you time, money and enhancing subscriber engagement.https://neuralnewsletters.com/
Referral FactoryReferral Factory is an AI-powered tool that offers you a quick setup of custom or pre-built affiliate marketing programs. It integrates with major CRMs, provides easy referral tracking, and automates rewarding successful referrals.https://referral-factory.com/
RankPressChatGPT/OpenAI-powered Amazon WordPress autoblogging SaaS platform offering AI-enhanced content, 110+ languages, and seamless integrations for unprecedented unique, multicentric autoblogging experiences, complete with future updates and early access pricing.https://rankpress.io/
Marketing MegapromptsA bespoke set of unique prompts from MakerBox designed to fuel innovative marketing strategies, meticulously curated for solopreneurs and indie hackers seeking top-tier quality and personalized solutions.https://www.megaprompts.com/
User EvaluationEnhance consumer research efficiency and depth with this versatile tool for market researchers and customer-focused teams.https://userevaluation.com/
DigitalFirstCreate and execute marketing plans in seconds using a library of 500+ strategies as well as Funnel Management, Dashboard, Tactical Flow, Content Generation, and Marketing Planning toolshttps://www.digitalfirst.ai/
ZyroZyro is a drag-and-drop, intuitive website builder equipped with an interactive and minimalistic interface that enables users to create and design a website without coding knowledgehttps://zyro.com/
DurableHarness the power of Al to create an online presence for your solo business. Generate a website, automate marketing, and manage finances.https://www.durable.co/
LetterdropLetterdrop is a platform that automates your content workflow across SEO, social media and email to help you create more of the right content—and close more deals.https://letterdrop.com/
Hotreach AIHotreach Linkedin prospecting tool helps you send personalized intros to your leads, saving you time and increasing the likelihood of conversion.https://hotreach.ai/

Edycja obrazów

Tool NameDescriptionWebsite URL
ProPhotosUpgrade your professional image with ProPhotos, an AI-powered headshot generator. Easily transform casual photos into polished headshots. Perfect for LinkedIn, resumes, and more.https://prophotos.ai
Secta LabsSecta Labs advanced AI image tool converts selfies into professional headshots within hours with a selection of styles available in a private gallery.https://secta.ai/
Remove BGThanks to remove.bg’s clever artificial intelligence, you can quickly and easily remove backgrounds from images in 5 seconds or less.https://www.remove.bg
PixlrPixlr is an advanced, web-based graphic design and photo editor with AI-powered features to help you create pro graphics and designs quickly. Remove backgrounds, adjust the look, remove blemishes, and turn your photos into painted arhttps://www.pixlr.com
Adobe SenseiAdobe Sensei is a set of artificial intelligence tools that help digital designers create more engaging and better-performing designs. Design faster and more efficiently.https://www.adobe.com/sensei.html
FYLM.aiFylm.ai is an online service that provides photographers with a colour grading tool powered by artificial intelligence. The tool allows users to correct their photos with ease and precision, producing Hollywood-quality results.https://fylm.ai
VisilyVisily offers pre-designed templates and AI-based tools to quickly convert images or sketches into fully customizable wireframes.https://www.visily.ai

Projektowanie graficzne

Tool NameDescriptionWebsite
Wondershare VirtuLookVirtuLook is an AI-powered tool that helps businesses create high-quality, realistic product photos without the need for photoshoots or physical models. Use virtual models and AI-generated backgrounds to cut production costs and drive conversions.https://virtulook.wondershare.com/
Logo AILogoAi is an AI powered logo maker and brand automation platform that can help small businesses create professional logos, design matching identities, and automate brand promotion with on-brand social media content.https://www.logoai.com/
Adobe ExpressAdobe Express is a free, browser-based AI tool powered by Adobe Firefly, offering one-click actions and generative AI for quick and innovative designs for social media videos, PDFs, and marketing materials.https://www.adobe.com/express/
Photoshop Generative AIAdobe’s Generative Fill, an AI-driven feature within Photoshop, can add missing elements in photos, extend landscapes, or eliminate unwanted elements. All is possible with text prompts and you can be sure of using the finished images for commercial use.https://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html
LookaLooka leverages AI to create unique, customizable logo designs that reflect your brand’s individuality and can be vividly projected onto various merchandise. No specialist technical design skills required.https://looka.com/
Lunacy by Icons8Lunacy is a free, versatile UX/UI design app for macOS, Windows, and Linux. It offers AI tools, custom graphics, Figma imports, online/offline modes, prototyping, live webpage editing, and enhanced image manipulation features.https://icons8.com/lunacy

Generowanie obrazów

Tool NameDescriptionLink
BetterPicIf you need professional headshots without the hassle of a studio shoot, BetterPic’s AI Headshot Generator delivers 4K images with over 150 styles in under an hour, with customization options and manual adjustments available.https://www.betterpic.io
AnimeGeniusAI anime art generator that converts plain text or photo into anime art with simplicity, speed, and high artistry. Ideal for anime enthusiasts and those without drawing or AI expertise.N/A
Adobe FireflyAdobe Firefly offers a versatile, creator-focused Generative AI for content creation and editing across various mediums. Generating custom vectors, brushes, and textures with just a few words or a sketchhttps://www.adobe.com/sensei/generative-ai/adobe-firefly.html
Neural LoveFree AI platform for enhancing and generating media. It includes tools for creating art, avatars, uncropping images, enhancing visuals, generating image variations, and improving video and audio quality.https://neural.love/
Magic StudioCreate stunning visuals with just a few simple steps with the instant generated profile picture feature, generative image creation, magic eraser tools and smart background eraser.https://www.snap.com/en-US/news/post/snap-magic-studio
Aura AIIntroducing Aura AI: Unleash your creativity with an app that effortlessly transforms text prompts into stunning visual creations. Aura AI is the perfect tool for bringing your imagination to life with its adaptable modes and easy-to-use features.N/A
FreefloReusable generative AI style prompts. Copy the prompt, swap the subject and drop it into Midjourney, Clipdrop, Firefly or DALL-E.N/A
Vecteezy AIVecteezy AI’s Reverse Image Search eliminates laborious image searches by repurposing source images into conceptually-related, licensable pieces. This technology, refined by feedback from millions of professionals, excels in accuracy by prioritizing context over pixels, resulting in a streamlined, precise search experience.https://www.vecteezy.com/
Profile Pic MakerElevate your profile game with PFPMaker: upload your finest shots, explore various styles, and stand out with a unique blend of creativity and personal flair!https://pfpmaker.com/
SUPERMACHINESUPERMACHINE is a swift and user-friendly AI tool that empowers users to generate diverse, one-of-a-kind, commercially-usable, AI-generated images just from simple descriptions.https://www.supermachine.art/
CatbirdCatbird is a free, versatile image generator that crafts dozens of unique images frommultiple models using just one prompt, allowing for endless creativity without any signup hassle.N/A
Artsmart AICreate visual content that’s straight-up stunning without breaking a sweat by entering prompts or simply uploading a photo and watch as the AI produces artwork based on the input.N/A
Skybox LabSkybox Lab is an AI-powered tool that allows you to generate stunning 360° skybox experiences just by entering text prompts. It’s perfect for those looking to quickly create immersive virtual spaceshttps://www.nvidia.com/en-us/design-visualization/products/omniverse-skybox/
PicsartPicsart delivers AI-powered editing, filters, and images for pro-quality graphics; with video editing, image enhancement, and AI avatars. Available in 30 languages.https://picsart.com/
Luma AILuma AI, created by Luma Labs, is an app and service that uses neural rendering technology to capture 3D images with only a few photoshttps://lumalabs.ai/
Playground AIGenerate artwork, social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos and more with intuitive design tools and a simple user interfacehttps://playgroundai.com/
HotpotJust tell AI what to do and watch as it produces images in various styles, from classic art like Van Gogh to photorealistic graphics.https://hotpot.ai/
CraiyonIf you’re looking for an AI model that can draw images from any text prompt, Craiyon is a great option. The model is trained using Google TRC and is capable of generating impressive images.https://www.craiyon.com/
AI Room PlannerEnjoy a room that looks like it was designed by a professional without having to break the bank. get hundreds of interior design ideas for every room in your home. Completely free and with no limitN/A
MidjourneyMidjourney’s AI is trained on a dataset of works from artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso. These inputs are applied to new images based on your prompts. Get original, unique, and beautiful artwork in seconds.https://www.midjourney.com/
LexicaAI image Stable Diffusion search enginehttps://lexica.art/
PhotosonicGenerate realistic or artistic images from a text description. Photosonic uses cutting-edge text-to-image models based on latent diffusion which generate random noise image to match the text, with adjustable quality, diversity, and style.https://photosonic.writesonic.com/
ArtflowArtflow.ai is an AI-powered app that allows users to effortlessly turn their creative ideas into animated stories. The app uses AI and machine learning algorithms to generate portraits based on short, textual input from the user, making it easy to create visuals with just a creative idea.https://artflow.ai/
AISEO ArtOne of the fastest AI image generators. Tweak and modify any image, generate any kind of photo or picture. Create eye-catching visuals with ease.N/A
Endless VNA visual novel-based game in which the characters, dialog, and story are generated for you as you play.N/A
Midjourney Prompt GeneratorPress „Generate Styles” and the Midjourney Random Prompt Generator will create 10 different versions of what you want, with totally different styles, colors, medium, technique, and much more!N/A


Tool NameDescriptionLink
TalkioSpeak Like a Native with AI Conversation Practice.https://www.talkio.ai
LearnWorlds AIDiscover the transformative impact of LearnWorlds’ new AI features.https://www.learnworlds.com
HEIGHTS AIYour course creation copilot.https://www.heightsplatform.com
TeacherMaticAI-fueled teacher-designed platform improving education.https://www.teachermatic.com
MosaChat-AIAn intelligent tutor that allows you to practice languages in real time.https://www.mosalingua.com
Coursebox AIEfficient, rapid online course creation.https://www.coursebox.ai
InterviewSparkAI Interview Coach for practice sessions with instant feedback.https://www.interviewspark.com
iSpring PageTransforms traditional content into dynamic courses.https://www.ispringsolutions.com/page
Monic AIGenerate quizzes, flashcards, and summaries in seconds.https://www.monic.ai
QuizgeckoEffortlessly create and analyze quizzes and flashcards.https://www.quizgecko.com
TalkPalAI-powered language tutor for immersive language learning.https://www.talkpal.ai
SoofyImprove your language skills with interactive exercises.https://www.sofy.ai

Generowanie wideo

Tool NameDescriptionURL
JupitrrJupitrr AI auto-creates super-relevant B-roll for content marketing videos, e.g stock videos, GIFs, and many more – 10x faster for creators.https://jupitrr.com/
ShortspilotShortspilot automates faceless video creation for TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, offering fast rendering, precise editing, automated scheduling, and niche selection for effortless viral content production.https://shortspilot.com/
VeerollCreate effective videos for channel and account growth quickly and efficiently through template-based templates, quick social media content creation, and AI-driven customization.https://veeroll.com/
VideoGenGenerate professional videos from text, images, and articles for TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube. With AI assistance, 3M+ assets, multilingual text-to-speech, and an intuitive editor, VideoGen is a great tool for marketers, creators, and businesses.https://videogen.io/
FilmoraCreate standout videos with Filmora’s ChatGPT integration and vast resources for the ultimate video-making experience. Filmora’s advanced AI, speech-to-text, and subtitle generator functions provide a professional touch, making it an all-in-one solution for all your video-making needs.https://filmora.wondershare.com/
PuppetryPuppetry simplifies talking head video creation with lifelike avatars and text-to-speech capabilities powered by ChatGPT. It’s ideal for educators, marketers, and content creators who need professional, engaging videos quickly and efficiently. No fuss, just effective results.https://puppetry.io/
Spikes StudioConvert long videos into shorter clips for platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels. Automatically Identify the best moments in your videos, remove the boring parts, and add features like automatic captions, keyword highlighting, hashtags, and descriptions.https://spikes.studio/
DeepBrainGenerate AI avatar videos in minutes by inputting a script and utilizing the Text-to-Speech feature in over 80 languages. Choose from prebuilt video templates and create professional videos using the user-friendly online video editor.https://deepbrain.io/
TubeBuddyTubeBuddy’s Suggested Shorts tool is an AI sidekick that combs through your existing videos, cherry-picking the most engaging bits for you to repurpose into YouTube Shorts.https://www.tubebuddy.com/
VEEDVEED’s AI Video transforms storytelling—no camera needed. With a mix of AI tools, stock media, and diverse editing features for easy, high-quality content, you can create professional-grade videos in minutes.https://www.veed.io/


Text to voice

Tool NameDescriptionURL
ElevenLabsElevenLabs offers an AI audio platform with emotionally aware text-to-speech, voice cloning, and dubbing capabilities in 32 languages, suitable for content creators, businesses, and developers.https://elevenlabs.io/text-to-speech
MurfVoice generator for professional-quality audio. Use Murf’s lifelike AI voices for podcasts, videos, and all your professional presentations.https://murf.ai
Speak AICrunch text with AI algorithms. Make smarter decisions based on the insights gleaned from data, whether you’re doing qualitative research, academic research, marketing research, competitive analysis or digital marketing.https://speakai.co
RecastRecast transforms articles into engaging audio podcasts. Use a library of community-curated recasts and daily personalized playlists. Get straightforward functionality across platforms. Unlike Audible’s linear structure, Recast adds dynamic conversation to the audio experience.https://recast.ai
MicMonsterVoice-over production AI tool with over 500 versatile voice styles, over 140 languages, and compatibility with any video software. A cloud-based service offering quality audio that you can use in video and audio content to engage and convert audiences.https://micmonster.com
Play.htTransform your text into natural-sounding speech. Create voiceovers for videos, podcasts, & e-learning and use the Text to Speech API to integrate voice synthesis into your applications.https://play.ht
LovoAI voiceover and text to speech platform gives you the ability to create realistic, human-like voices for your project with pronunciation editing, voice speed controls, and voice emotion manipulation.https://lovo.ai
Wavel AIWavel AI is an all-in-one platform that speeds up video creation with realistic voiceovers, multilingual dubbing, and accurate subtitles, helping you reach a global audience efficiently.https://wavel.ai

Text to video

HeyGenTransform your business videos with HeyGen, an AI-powered platform.https://www.heygen.com
TypefullyTypefully’s Vesper is revolutionizing Twitter content creation.https://typefully.com
VidalgoCreate viral TikTok content by automating video production.https://vidalgo.com
ViralkitViralKit is an AI-powered contest tool that turns your content viral.https://viralkit.io
OpusClipTransform your videos into engaging shorts with OpusClip.https://www.opus.pro
ExolytAnalyze TikTok data for powerful insights with Exolyt.https://exolyt.com
PostwiseManage and grow your social media presence with Postwise.https://postwise.com
SynthesiaSynthesia allows you to create AI videos easily.https://www.synthesia.io
AragonManage your organization’s workflows with Aragon.https://aragon.ai
AutoShortsAutoShorts converts long videos into bite-sized clips automatically.https://autoshorts.com
Vista SocialSocial media management platform Vista Social.https://vistasocial.com
Wondershare VirboCreate professional-quality videos with Wondershare Virbo.https://virbo.wondershare.com
SyllabySyllaby helps you generate engaging scripts for videos.https://syllaby.io
Profile Picture AICreate the perfect profile picture with AI.https://www.profilepicture.ai
Brand24Monitor your brand’s online presence with Brand24.https://brand24.com
FollowrAI-powered tool to optimize your social media engagement.https://followr.ai
Tweet HunterEnhance your Twitter experience with Tweet Hunter.https://tweethunter.io
ContentStudio AI BotAI Bot integrated into ContentStudio for advanced content management.https://contentstudio.io
VidgenAutomated video generation platform Vidgen.https://vidgen.io
ElaiElai allows you to create videos with AI avatars.https://elai.io
Social Champ AI SuiteComprehensive AI-powered social media management suite.https://www.socialchamp.io
Tailwind GhostwriterTailwind Ghostwriter assists in creating marketing content.https://www.tailwindapp.com
CreasquareAI-powered tool for creating and scheduling social media posts.https://creasquare.io
Steve AICreate animated videos quickly with Steve AI.https://www.steve.ai
HypeFurySchedule and manage your Twitter content with HypeFury.https://hypefury.com
BannerbearGenerate dynamic images for your brand with Bannerbear.https://bannerbear.com
IMAIInfluencer marketing platform powered by AI.https://www.imaidata.com
SocialBeeManage your social media content with SocialBee.https://socialbee.io
GummysearchFind and analyze relevant communities with Gummysearch.https://gummysearch.com
GlaspOrganize and share web highlights with Glasp.https://glasp.co
TweetMonkAI-powered Twitter management tool TweetMonk.https://tweetmonk.com
Nazwa narzędziaOpis narzędziaURL
TypefullyTypefully’s Vesper is revolutionizing Twitter …https://typefully.com/
ViralkitViralKit is an AI-powered contest tool that turns engagements into followers and leads.URL not found
OpusClipTransform your videos into engaging shorts with this AI-driven tool.URL not found
ExolytDominate TikTok with data-driven analytics, growth strategies, and AI-powered insights.https://exolyt.com/
PostwiseUtilize this advanced AI Twitter tool’s AI to create high-quality, engaging posts.URL not found
AragonAragon’s AI Headshot Generator transforms your photos into professional headshots.URL not found
Vista SocialVista Social, a social media management tool, makes social media marketing a breeze.https://vistasocial.com/
SyllabySyllaby is a suite of tools for AI-driven content creation, particularly for social media.URL not found
Profile Picture AIProfile Picture AI produces customized and visually appealing profile pictures.URL not found
Brand24Use Brand24 to monitor your brand online and measure the impact of your PR campaigns.https://brand24.com/
FollowrFollowr streamlines social media management with an AI-driven approach.URL not found
Tweet HunterLet AI analyze your tweets, edit content, rewrite and make recommendations for better engagement.https://tweethunter.io/
ContentStudio AI BotContentStudio’s AI Writer simplifies social media content creation.https://contentstudio.io/
Social Champ AI SuiteA social media scheduling platform with ChatGPT integration for content creation.https://socialchamp.io/
Tailwind GhostwriterTailwind App reclaims the scheduling tool through advanced AI-powered content creation.https://www.tailwindapp.com/
CreasquareCreasquare gives entrepreneurs, marketers, and social media managers a way to create engaging content effortlessly.https://creasquare.io/
HypeFuryHypeFury is a Twitter growth tool that acts as your content engine.https://hypefury.com/
BannerbearBannerBear offers an automated solution for generating social media visuals with AI.https://bannerbear.com/
IMAIIMAI is the world’s largest influencer marketing platform, with powerful AI-driven tools.URL not found
SocialBeeSocialBee’s AI-powered post generator creates engaging content effortlessly.https://socialbee.io/
GummysearchGummySearch offers an AI pattern finder to help you locate and engage with the right communities.URL not found
GlaspSocial web highlighter. Stay up to date on the latest trends with ease.https://glasp.co/
TweetMonkWrite better tweets, grow your audience, and increase your engagement with AI.https://tweetmonk.com/
Surfer SEOSERP-winning content writing with a click. From researching to optimizing articles—it’s about driving traffic. Customize, refine, and improve your work with AI. Write and optimize your content in any language, leveraging real-time metrics for structure, word count, NLP-ready keywords, and images.https://surferseo.com
SEOPressSEOPress PRO is a WordPress SEO plugin that integrates with OpenAI to generate automated metadata. Get help creating titles and meta descriptions with AI-driven insights, and save time and money with the bulk actions featurehttps://www.seopress.org
KeywordsPeopleUseKeywordsPeopleUse harnesses AI and neural networks for advanced keyword research, content ideation, and SEO planning. By generating contextual keywords, providing AI assistance, and automating topic clustering, it simplifies content strategy and offers instant, data-backed insights.URL not found
One Click HumanOneClickHuman transforms AI-generated text into natural, human-like content, optimized for SEO and free from errors, all with a single click.Use the code AITOOLS to get 60% off the paid versionURL not found
RankIQA comprehensive SEO Toolset with AI baked in. RankIQ is the highest-rated SEO tool in the world that helps you craft perfectly optimized posts, boost traffic, and win Google’s love.https://www.rankiq.com
ZentaskZentask simplifies your workload with AI solutions. Features include faster content creation, customizable settings, SEO improvement, image generation, and creating custom instructions for tasks and challenges.URL not found
SE RankingSE Ranking’s AI-powered assistant helps SEO experts, marketers, copywriters, and website owners create SEO-friendly content faster. The AI Writer can paraphrase competitors’ content, while the Content Idea Finder and Content Editor provide in-depth keyword analysis and content optimization capabilities.https://seranking.com
Semrush outline builderBy combining AI and SEO insights, Semrush’s Outline Builder helps craft high-ranking content. With its ready-to-use suggestions, outlines, competitor analyses, and detailed briefs, it simplifies content creation.https://www.semrush.com
MarketmuseMarketMuse is a content optimization tool with ChatGPT built in. Helps SEO professionals create well-crafted, SEO-focused articles. MarketMuse uses advanced AI algorithms to optimize content for SEO. By analyzing thousands of pages, it suggests semantically linked topics, relevant questions, and appropriate internal links.https://www.marketmuse.com
InLinksAwarded the Best AI-Driven SEO Tool of 2021, InLinks automates internal links, implements schema markup, and performs intelligent content audits. InLinks AI writing assistant helps you write cotnent, prioritize drafts, interlink current topics, and audit the current content and suggest improvements.https://inlinks.net
Squirrly SEOAn an all-in-one SEO plugin for WordPress with a new AI content creation feature that builds prompts based on context, right inside of WordPress. You also get keyword research, content optimization, SEO optimization features, technical SEO fixes and suggestions, site audits, rank tracking, and more.https://plugin.squirrly.co
SEO GPTThe AI-driven marketing & SEO tool you’ve been looking for. With 200+ methods for crafting titles/descriptions, backed by 16 years of marketing expertise, delivering undetectable human-like content that’s authentic, credible, and saves time & effort.URL not found
AIPRMAIPRM comes with curated prompts to help SEO professionals optimize their websites and boost rankings on search engines.https://www.aiprm.com


Tool NameDescriptionURL
DecktopusAI-driven, one-click presentation wizard that personalizes slides, streamlines layouts, and enriches content for standout results.https://www.decktopus.com
Numerous AIGet more done in Google Sheets and Excel with the help of Numerous.ai, an AI-powered plugin. Get an artificial intelligence playground directly in your spreadsheet to help simplify data management, generate content in bulk, and more.No direct link found
AITableAITable AI, AI-Enhanced data management for modern businessess with customizable workflows, intelligent chat, automated content creation, and advanced customer service tools, aimed at boosting business efficiency and productivity.No direct link found
HIX BypassIntroducing HIX Bypass: The reliable solution for AI detection remover. It effortlessly converts AI-generated text into undetectable, human-like content. Preserve original meaning and bypass AI detectors with ease.https://bypass.hix.ai
ClickupClickUp AI is an intelligent assistant that simplifies complex work processes by streamlining each step of the task, writing content and task details, and adding structure to your documents.https://www.clickup.com
BeforeSunset AIBlend AI-powered scheduling with a customizable virtual workspace. Get time-blocking, task management, and productivity analytics in one platform which work-life balance with specialized AI features.No direct link found
OlympiaOlympia offers affordable AI-powered virtual consultants to help businesses and solopreneurs boost productivity without the overhead of hiring new staff.No direct link found
TaskadeMultiple tools in one. A productivity powerhouse that unifies task management and workflow creation into a sleek tool, offering dynamic workspace formats, intelligent note-taking, and a diligent AI assistant for your professional life.No direct link found
ScribeCapture processes and generate shareable step-by-step guides with Scribe, revolutionizing documentation and streamlining business operations.No direct link found
Success.aiSuccess.Ai a marketing tool that unlocks the Power of Cold Email. Maximize results with advanced campaign analytics, achieve efficiency with inbox rotation, safeguard deliverability with email validation, and access 700M+ B2B contacts.No direct link found
GuidejarCreate interactive demos and step-by-step guides effortlessly with Guidejar’s AI-powered platform. Perfect for enhancing user onboarding, product marketing, and sales enablement.No direct link found
HiverSummarize emails, suggest response templates, and auto-close conversations with the help of AI. Improve customer support agent efficiency and power up email workflows.No direct link found
PDF aiChat with any document and PDF using AI. From legal agreements to financial reports, PDF.ai brings your documents to life. You can ask questions, get summaries, find information, and more.https://aitoolsdirectory.com/details/pdf-ai
FirefliesSupercharge meetings with AI notetaking, auto-transcription, platform integration, collaboration tools, real-time knowledge base, performance analytics, and voice-activated workflow automation. Record and transcribe meeting conversations to boost productivityNo direct link found
PDF FlexPDF Summarizer – Engage With Your PDFs in Multiple Languageshttps://pdfflex.com
SuperSuper transforms Notion pages into fast, SEO-optimized, no-code websites, with a focus on simplicity and content management for Notion users.No direct link found
Formula BotUpload, analyze and query your data with AI. Solve your Excel and Google Sheets problems in seconds with AI-generated formula generators. Type questions about your data to unlock insights and generate charts.No direct link found
GrammarlyGrammarly’s powerful AI features can supercharge your writing productivity. Fine-tune your tone, get on-point draft suggestions, rework your content, and create killer email management flows.https://www.grammarly.com
FrameFrame is an online platform where all your work tasks, wikis, whiteboards, goals, notes, and focus come together. Its features include smarter notes, organized task tracking, unified knowledge sharing, simple goal setting, and collaborative digital whiteboards.No direct link found
BodtIntroducing Bodt, an AI-powered chatbot that enhances customer service, engagement, and visibility on your website. From automated support and personalized recommendations to secure log-ins and data analytics, Bodt has you covered.No direct link found
Trinka AITrinka is an online grammar checker and language correction AI tool for academic and technical writing. Trinka finds difficult errors unique to academic writing that other grammar checker tools don’t. From advanced English grammar errors to scientific tone and style.No direct link found
Audio writerIntroducing Audio Writer: a speech-to-text software that saves time in content creation. Refine transcripts, rewrite in different styles, choose presets, support for 15+ languages, and repurpose content in various formats.No direct link found
PDF aiHave conversations with PDFs. Get instant responses that include sourced information. Supports many types of PDF documents and offers multilingual functionality.No direct link found
Eloise AIEloise.Ai elevates your writing with top-quality content creation. Simplify tasks like word count and formatting tweaks, effortlessly refine sentences for engaging content, condense complex information, generate ideas, and craft concise, impactful written pieces.No direct link found
Luna AILuna AI: Create better LinkedIn content 10x faster. Features: scheduling, analytics, top-performing post identification, free trial, and flexible subscription cancellation.No direct link found
Media.ioIntroducing Media.io, the AI-powered suite for refining media files effortlessly. Massive free tools for simple creation, leading AI tech for pro-like results, rapid iteration, user-friendly interface for personal, promotional, and educational use.https://wonderplan.ai
iApplyiApply, the world’s first search engine connects job seekers worldwide. Organize and present your profile effectively. Explore endless job opportunities with AI scanning 4,000 real-time posted jobs.No direct link found
WonderplanWonderplan takes the hassle out of travel planning, offering personalized itineraries based on your interests, budget, and time constraints. It also helps you find the optimal route and takes care of all the boring details.No direct link found
My GPT WizardMy GPT Wizard is your writing partner for all your content needs. Choose from a range of templates for blogs, articles, websites, and social media. The tool walks you through a detailed description of your request and delivers high-quality results ready to publish.No direct link found
ChivvyChivvy, an AI-powered anti-procrastination habit tracker, offers personalized reminders, deadline embrace, TwitterControl™, relentless motivation, automatic progress update, and progress visualization to improve consistency in achieving your goals.No direct link found
TeamSmart AITeamSmart AI provides access to advanced AI assistants through a chat interface and Chrome extension. It offers a diverse range of specialized assistants and enables effortless task tracking with a to-do list.No direct link found
ClockkClockk uses AI to automatically track the time spent on different projects and clients, eliminating the need for start and stop timers. The tool also provides valuable insights for business growth and ensures privacy and control over data.No direct link found
guiddeImprove business storytelling with stunning onboarding documents, FAQs, and video documentation. Use personalized voice and language selections and auto-generate easy-to-follow workflow descriptions for all your support queries.No direct link found
SaneboxSaneBox identifies important messages, but it also hides distractions, banishes annoying senders, and reminds you of emails that need a response. Make sure only important emails reach your inbox.No direct link found
PromptPalInnovative tools to help users create engaging prompts for AI platforms like ChatGPT, making their interactions more effective, enjoyable, and geared towards productivityNo direct link found
Research StudioResearch Studio was created to help small businesses with limited UX and marketing budgets automate research analysis. It cuts user and customer research time by almost 2 thirds, providing an affordable solution without sacrificing quality.https://www.notion.so/product/ai
tl;dvStreamline your meetings and enhance collaboration with tl;dv’s automated recording, transcription, and summarization features. Capture and document important points from every meeting.No direct link found
Notion AINotion’s AI writing assistant is already embedded in the world’s most popular productivity app. It can write entire blog posts or brainstorm ideas. And the AI’s capabilities will expand to project management and other areas of productivity and workflow later.No direct link found
ApifyApify is a no-code platform that simplifies web scraping for AI model training. It integrates with tools like LangChain and Pinecone, streamlining data collection from the web. This enhances AI efficiency, delivers accurate insights, and supports customized AI tool development.No direct link found
FeatheryCreate elegant online forms with unparalleled speed, all while offering deep customization and seamless integration. From intuitive design tools to advanced form logic, Feathery AI is changing the form-building market.No direct link found
Coda AIWith powerful integrations, customizable workflows, and AI-powered features like drafting content and generating tables, Coda AI takes your work to the next level.No direct link found
Eclipse AIEclipse AI simplifies customer understanding and retention by consolidating various data sources, revealing actionable insights, and facilitating custom or integrated surveys, helping businesses effectively address customer issues and improve retention.No direct link found
ParsioAutomate data extraction from various documents, streamlining your business while cutting costs and boosting efficiency.No direct link found
Simple PhonesSimplePhones is an AI-powered virtual agent ready to handle all your business’s telecommunication needs. You can forward or route calls to multiple numbers, send texts or emails to team members with customer requirements, and log calls and transcripts for an in-depth look into customers’ behaviorNo direct link found
Notion AINotion’s AI writing assistant is already embedded in the world’s most popular productivity app. It can write entire blog posts or brainstorm ideas. And the AI’s capabilities will expand to project management and other areas of productivity and workflow later.No direct link found
CheatlayerCheatLayer’s AI-powered platform automates business tasks with a language interface. Create apps, games, and websites in minutes, automate social media posting, and enjoy unlimited scraper cheat codes. The custom-trained GPT-4 model, Project Atlas, streamlines complex automation challenges.No direct link found
Process AIThe world’s first Process Management Platform powered by AI. Transform manual processes into AI-driven workflows.https://workspace.google.com
Brain FMBrain.fm provides scientifically proven, patented AI-generated music for focus, relaxation, and sleep. The tailored music stimulates the brain while blending into the background allowing you to manage your energy levels and get more done.https://todoist.com/productivity
AI LawyerA multilingual, affordable legal assistant providing instant help, document drafting, and contract review.https://www.poised.com
Google WorkspaceGoogle Workspace is a cloud-based productivity and collaboration suite with AI capabilities, such as Smart Compose, grammar suggestions, voice typing, portrait restore, Smart Reply, and live transcription in Google Meet.No direct link found
Todoist AI AssistantTodoist’s new AI-assistant integration can help you attain your goals by generating a list of tasks, making them more actionable, breaking them down into more manageable steps, and providing tips on how to achieve them.No direct link found
PoisedAI-powered communication coach. Get real-time feedback on everything from the words you use to your level of confidence, energy, and empathy in presentations and online meetingsNo direct link found
NanonetsNanonets is a AI-powered software that can read semi-structured documents and extract data quickly and accurately. It can learn from each document processed, allowing users to customize fields and integrate with existing workflows. 
ReflectOnline note-taking app that provides end-to-end encryption, calendar integration, publishing, instant capture, frictionless search, and backlinked notes. 
Tool NameDescriptionWebsite
CastmagicAutomates the content creation process by turning audio files into various assets like transcripts, show notes, and blog posts.https://www.castmagic.io
DeciphrTransforms audio, video, or document files into a comprehensive content suite, including transcripts, summaries, and more.https://www.deciphr.ai
Adobe PodcastProvides AI-powered tools for professional audio recording, editing, and noise reduction, all within a web-based platform.https://podcast.adobe.com
Recast StudioAI-powered tool designed to automate podcast marketing by generating video clips, show notes, blog posts, and social media content from podcast episodes.https://recast.studio
PodcastleAn all-in-one platform for creating, editing, and publishing professional-quality podcasts and videos with AI assistance.https://podcastle.ai
PodStashAllows users to convert any web content, such as blog posts or articles, into podcast episodes, making content consumption more efficient.https://podstash.ai
PodiumAI-driven content creation tool, often used for podcasts, but the exact link needs verification.Not specifically identified
CleanvoiceUses AI to automatically clean up audio podcasts by removing filler words, long pauses, background noise, and other unwanted sounds.https://cleanvoice.ai
FathomAI tool that transcribes and summarizes meetings, often used in podcasting and content creation for generating quick summaries and actionable insights.Not specifically identified